
Explore a world of adventure

Welcome to Aalborg Tabletop, your local hub for Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Adventures!  Join us for inclusive and fun-filled evenings of role-playing, there’s always a seat for you at our table!


Top questions for Aalborg Tabletop

- Who are you?

Aalborg Tabletop is a local DnD AL co-buddy union located in Aalborg. Our primary goal is to offer young people with an interest in table-based games, to explore the exciting world of games across social compositions, professional groups and social standpoints. Here we provide the opportunity to pass on learning about Tablestop games, as well as role-playing games in general.

- Where are you playing?

Our main place of wreakin havoc is at Dice 'n Drinks in the center of Aalborg. The address is: Sankelmarksgade 15, 9000 Aalborg

- Who can play?

Everyone! We're a community consisting of both seasoned adventurers and new dungeon-delvers alike. We've a community consisting of people from every parts of society.

- How much does it cost?

Our games are free to join! We'll make bi-weekly play annouincements that are free to join. Though private members only events will be coordinated throughout the year.

- Membership, what's that?

As we're a co-buddy union we strive to provide the best possible solutions to our members. Here membership of the union is possible, but not required for our bi-weekly games.

Paying members can utilize our ammeneties such as:

  • DnD-Beyond shared content (All source-books, create the characters online for free)
  • Drawings for heroforge tickets (Create your own mini!)
  • Access to our all new play-bags, where you can borrow all your need to play DnD. Perfect if you want to play a game with friends, or want to start a new adventure.
  • Access to our GM-workshops
  • Access to our members only games and epics

- How can I join!?

In order to join you'll need to send a link with your personal information to aalborgtabletop@gmail.com

Here you'll need to provide the following:

  • Full name
  • Birthdate- and year
  • Address and postal code
  • E-mail
  • Phone number

After you've sent the mail, you'll receive a mail with instructions of how to pay the membership fee.

The fee for the fiscal year of 2024 is: 150 kr. 

We accept bank transfer and mobilepay.

This is a yearly fee, that'll grant you access to all the above!